Drug addiction is a chronic brain disease. It
causes a person to take drugs repeatedly,
despite the harm they cause. Repeated drug
use can change the brain and lead to
The brain changes from addiction can be
lasting, so drug addiction is considered a
"relapsing" disease. This means that people
in recovery are at risk for taking drugs again,
even after years of not taking them.
Does everyone who takes drugs become
Not everyone who uses drugs becomes
addicted. Everyone's bodies and brains are
different, so their reactions to drugs can also
be different. Some people may
become addicted quickly, or it may happen
over time. Other people never become
addicted. Whether or not someone becomes
addicted depends on many factors. They
include genetic, environmental, and
developmental factors.
Who is at risk for drug addiction?
Various risk factors can make you more
likely to become addicted to drugs, including
Your biology. People can react to drugs
differently. Some people like the feeling the
first time they try a drug and want more.
Others hate how it feels and never try it
Mental health problems. People who have
untreated mental health problems, such as
depression, anxiety, or attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are
more likely to become addicted. This can
happen because drug use and mental health
problems affect the same parts of the brain.
Also, people with these problems may use
drugs to try to feel better.
Trouble at home. If your home is an unhappy
place or was when you were growing up, you
might be more likely to have a drug problem.
Trouble in school, at work, or with making
friends. You might use drugs to get your
mind off these problems.
Hanging around other people who use drugs.
They might encourage you to try drugs.
Starting drug use when you're young. When
kids use drugs, it affects how their bodies
and brains finish growing. This increases
your chances of becoming
addicted when you're an adult.
What are the signs that someone has
a drug problem?
Signs that someone has a drug problem
Changing friends a lot
Spending a lot of time alone
Losing interest in favorite things
Not taking care of themselves - for example,
not taking showers, changing clothes, or
brushing their teeth
Being really tired and sad
Eating more or eating less than usual
Being very energetic, talking fast, or saying
things that don't make sense
Being in a bad mood
Quickly changing between feeling bad and
feeling good
Sleeping at strange hours
Missing important appointments
Having problems at work or at school
Having problems in personal or family
What are the treatments for drug
Treatments for drug addiction include
counseling, medicines, or both. Research
shows that combining medicines with
counseling gives most people the best chance
of success.
The counseling may be individual, family,
and/or group therapy. It can help you
Understand why you got addicted
See how drugs changed your behavior
Learn how to deal with your problems so you
won't go back to using drugs
Learn to avoid places, people, and situations
where you might be tempted to use drugs.
Medicines can help with the symptoms of
withdrawal. For addiction to certain drugs,
there are also medicines that can help you re-
establish normal brain function and decrease
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