Contrary to popular belief, drug use doesn’t

solely fall under the category of mental

illness, homelessness, or even poor family

upbringing. Educated individuals with high-

paying jobs, families, and seemingly perfect

or sought-after lives can be vulnerable to

drug abuse, as well.

In general, there are three primary causes of

drug use. Within these main causes, there

stems a myriad of reasons as to why people

start to use drugs. Certain people may face

several different factors, which are each, on

their own, a reason to use drugs. But these

reasons are all the result of some sort of

emotional, psychological,

or physical categorization of the causes for

drug use.

Emotional: Feeling they need drugs to fill a

void in their lives (whether it’s stress,

trauma, relationship issues or more)

Physical: Feeling like they need the physical

effects of a high or low to physically feel


While there are emotional, psychological,

and physical reasons why people may misuse

drugs in the first place, there are many

triggers that fall into these reasons.

Emotional stress can develop for many

reasons. It can be the result of loss of a job, a

death, divorce, or finances. Even health

issues and medical conditions can cause

serious emotional damage. Physically, many

people use drugs to

increase their endurance, focus their

attention, or increase their appearance in

some capacity. Finally, drug use is the result

of psychological factors such as mental

illness, trauma, or even general attitudes and


Regardless of the trigger for drug use, it is

important to learn how to cope in a healthy

and productive way. Unfortunately, many

turn to an easy or perceived helpful way to

cope with the substance.

Here are some of the most common causes of

drug abuse and why various people consume


1)Grieving a death

2End of a relationship

3)Mental illness

4)Environmental influences



7)Financial burdens

8)Career pressures

9)School pressures

10)Family demands

11)Peer and Social Pressure

12)Abuse and trauma


14)To fit in

15)Curiosity and experimentation


17)To be in control

18)To enhance performance


20)Misinformation or ignorance

21)Instant Gratification

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