It contributes to physical health problems. .4 Additionally,
children of substance abusers may suffer from stress-related
health issues such as migraines or gastrointestinal problems as
a result of their parent’s alcohol and drug abuse. Used needles
and other drug paraphernalia may also create an unsanitary
living environment that is full of health hazards.
It creates difficulties at school. Children whose parents abuse
drugs and alcohol are more likely to be distracted at school due
to emotional and psychological stress, lack of sleep, and
worries or fears about things going on at home. They may also
be reluctant to develop friendships with other kids at school
because they are embarrassed by their home situation.
It fuels emotional issues. Children of drug-abusing parents may
harbor negative emotions such as shame, fear, insecurity, or
mistrust as a result of their parents’ substance abuse.
It increases their own risk of drug addiction. Children of
substance abusing parents are more than twice as likely to have
a drug and alcohol use disorder by young adulthood as
compared to their peers.