The situation that we find ourselves in because of Covid-19 is unprecedented. It has had a huge impact on the lives of families – both children and caregivers. There has been an uproar that children are suddenly out of school and that they are missing out so much. And many schools have come forward to continue teaching the children through online classes, projects etc.
One of the first communications we received from school was a letter to the parents explaining what a great opportunity this is for children to learn life skills at home. They reminded us to make sure to involve the children in some of the household chores according to their developing capacity. Children can make the bed, dust a shelf, set the table and clear it, wash dishes, help with simple cooking, fold and put away clothes, water and tend to plants. Not all of them of course, but the children could choose what they would like to do and we need to help, remind them to do it consistently – joyfully, in a spirit of collaboration not as a manager or supervisor.
The collection of work was not an overwhelmingly long list. And it was not so limited that we felt that we did not have much of a choice. They had three categories. With math language and other and other included music, yoga, other physical activities and art and craft and drama activities.
children made a choice with enthusiasm and started the work, but half way through they get distracted and lose interest. In that case, if that is not a regular occurrence, we can just join the child, collaborate with them and say, shall we finish this together? And help them finish it. And then later, at a neutral moment, we could bring up that topic and talking about completing activities.
we could learn from each other and help each other. As a parent, this support that we have had from the school has been both helpful and it has helped us to realise that we are not alone.
These tips are laid down to help parents
1)Keep it Positive
2)Get structured
3)Behaviour Change
4)Keep calm and manage stress
5) Talking about COVID-19
It is also most important to realise that home education requires one of the parents to be home to be with the child. Not all parents can afford that, nor are all interested in that kind of lifestyle. The vast majority of parents work, either because they have to or want to. This means once the lock down is over, parents will have to resume their previous lifestyle and the child will have to do a lot of unlearning as well then.
It is now that the parents have to realise the power of conversations that they need to have with their kids. Most adults avoid meaningful conversations with their kids, considering them too young for that. But that is not always true. Kids are, in fact, receptive to any topic. For example, simple questions like ‘What is Corona’ can be explained without being extremely dark about the topic. We need to note that the current times can be as stressful for the child as for the parents and this calls for more parental involvement.
Help children maintain healthy lifestyle amid Covid-19 pandemic
1. Eating a healthy and balanced diet: Implementing the need for a balanced diet from a very young age is very important. One needs to focus on a few things to make sure they are getting a proper diet such as not skipping breakfast, proper portion size, drinking plenty of water, limit junk food and sugary drinks in your diet & should be taken occasionally.
2. Establish a routine: Try to make a habit of studying, working out and sleeping at certain set hours. This will help keep a balance
3. Practice safe food hygiene: Washing your hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds before eating and handling food should be a practice to maintain good hygiene.
4. Stay active: Exercise keeps the mind and body healthy. Take up a sport, walk, or ride a bike. This will keep you physically fit and healthy.
5. Quality sleep: It has been proven that sleep integrates memories. This helps students retain what they may have learnt in their lessons. Getting quality sleep helps to keep the physical and mental health intact and keeps the immune system strong to fight of any infections.
6. Natural foods: Children’s meals should be multi-coloured consisting of a variety of fruits and vegetables, and less of packaged food and soda.
7. Mental health: Emotional Quotient of children is equally important as their physical health. A healthy mind helps the child cope with any challenge life may throw.
8. Personal hygiene: A good personal hygiene is a must for kids to keep them away from illnesses and keeping healthy. Some basic rules would be hand washing properly for 20 secs, bathing, nail Hygiene.
9. Limit screen time: This helps the children refrain from eating junk and unnecessary snacking which in turn cuts the body fat. Limiting screen time also means more quality time with the family in engaging activities.
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